so hamza has been in the hospital for more then a week now.....this Saturday it will be 2 weeks.....
he was doing so good one day and then next all of a sudden he needed so much oxygen and he was having 104.8 fever, the doc told me to give him Tylenol and Motrin but that didn't help out much.....i took him to the hospital the next morning.....
the minute he went in they took him to trauma.....there they put him on normal oxygen...but even with the highest amount he still looked like he was having such a hard time to breath so then they decided to put him on a ventilator. shortly after that he had ventricular tachycardia which is a rapid heartbeat that starts in the ventricles. they decided to give him a Electrical defibrillation or cardioversion (electric shock). everything was happening so quickly......for a sec i almost had a heart thank god everything got better after the first shock they gave him....
so they took him off the ventilator after 2 days....he was on high flow oxygen for a couple he is on very little oxygen.....the doc wants him to be on room air before he comes home....cuz last time he went in for phenomena they let him go home with little oxygen and he came back to the hospital a couple days this time they want him as healthy as possible before they release him so he wouldn't have to come back so quickly...the doc also said that if he was still requiring some what oxygen after a week then she would let him go home anyways......
thats it for now.....oh and huda is doing really well...she has been caughing for awhile now...but nothing to worry about to much...shez keeping me very buzzy!
thats it for now......
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Hamza is in the hospital again......
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 7:05 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
hamza is seezing again......
yea so hamza has been having seizures at night only for the past 3 nights........the doc just increased one of his medicine so hopefully that will keep it in control.....
huda on the other hand is everywere......she has started walking this week officaly...and things are never were they used to be...i clean up and 5 mins later nothing is were it used to be...........
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 5:50 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
It's been 2 long......
i know its been awile since i blogged about huda and hamza....
well for the most part its cuz of lazyness.......i've been kinda really buzzy lately....
well lets see....hamza has been in the hospital 3 times since the last time i wrote and all for phenomia.......
huda started walking!
oh and after balancing his head, hamza can hold his head straight without support for like 1 to 2 mins now!
i have a brand new neice....(born on 6th of october)...i'll post pics as soon as i can.....
today hamza had georgia pines (thearpy) come in.....he did very well.....was tracking with his eyes!
tommorow he's got thearpy with begin!...will update on dat tommorow....hopefully!
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 7:51 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
Hamza smiling......
he has been smiling a lot more then he used to.......when i took this video he was like smiling for 30 secs......i only got to get the end of it!....but glad never the less.....
love my chunky Hamza!
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 8:33 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Pics of Florida vacation......
sorry for the vary late update but here they are.....first to pic of are of huda swiming...she literly fell asleep in the water.......third pic is of hamza on the way to florida.....he is sucking on my finger while holding my cute!....last pic is of huda in the cabin.......................
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 8:46 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Swallow study......
HAMZA PASSED THE SWALLOW STUDY! im soooooooooooooooo excited......the swallow study was on monday. the max amount he can get now is only 1 ounce....but i belive it will be increasing in no time....
he also had begin this week! he did awesome there too! first step was that he looks at lights or objects, second was focusing on the object for at least 5 secs, and the third was to trace the object by following were it goes....
so far he got the first 2 steps....(THanks god) last time he went he did the first steo and this week he did the second.....the thearpist was amazed with his progress! he was also blabbing too, which he never everything is going good so far....hoping it continues that way.......
thats it......oh we are going on a family trip to florida...will be posting pics as soon as i can.....
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 10:31 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Long time......
it's been sooooooooooooooooo long since the last time i blogged!
anywho lets see what i have to update about....ummm Hamza went to the hospital 3 times in the past 2 weeks. 2 times for fever and one time for seizures....each time we went they did blood works and CT scans but everything looked goood.....the 3rd time he went, he stayed in the hospital for a week cuz he had a cold.
oh and Hamza didnt have the g-tube changed to button yet, the day we took him he wants felling well and was congested so the doc decided not to do it then.
Hamza's thearpist at the begin progam (for vision) is really happy with hamza's progress.....he looks at lights and also shinny stuff now! so his next step would be to focus on the light or object for 5 sec! and after that would be to follor the light or object with his eyes!
Huda is doing good! i have these great neighbors who are family friends and they help out soooooooooooo much with her.....she has 5 kids and all of them love her sooo much! if i need to rest or go to appointments i just hand huda to them with juice and she is gone! huda doesnt come back to me when she is with them, cuz they pamper her sooooooooooooo much. im just glad i have them!
thats it for now!...oh and Hamza is completly bald again! is dady did it today...will add pics soon!
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 10:35 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
sooo sorry havent been on here lately!....just was really lazzy....anywho Hamza had a GI appointment last week and they gonna change his g-tube to a lil button, the doc also decreased his feedings cuz he gained more then the doc wanted!....he is also going to be scheduled for a swallow study!
other then dat Huda started crawling last week! im kinda concerned about Hamza having fever.....the past week he would have fevers just in the moring, but today he had them all day long...tylenol doesnt seem to be helping, im gonna give him another dosage and see if that helps any if not then im gonna have to call his doctor....thats it for now......
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 3:45 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Hamza went to the emergency monday night....he had diffuculty breathing and fever...he was diagonosed with phenomia this time....
he was realised yesterday. he has had a lil fever today and yesterday. he's taking medicine so hopefully everything will be back to normal soon with prayers as well!
he didnt go to begin thearpy last week cuz he was in the hospital and he also didnt have babies cant wait. hopefully i can schedule that monday.
thats it for now......
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
i know its been long since i last updated about hamza.....but i have been just extemly lazy! lol...anywho....Hamza had his first thearpy at the Begin place last week and it was really good.....his thearpist started with singing his a song for him to recongnise her in the future...after that she massaged him.....(i gotta massage him 4 times a helps him be more alert).....then she started giving him different textures to feel and he loved it! soon as we got to the lights....he was out of it!....but over all it was good......
i found out something really intersting today from his georgia pines thearpist.....i dont know if i mentioned it before but the doc's said that hamza's right eye was a non seeing eye while the left one would have limited vision....well guess what.....he can see with his right eye too!......his thearpist was using the light with him while covering the left eye and he would look at it after a few secs......
hamza also went to his pedriatrion today cuz he has a lil bit of yeast infection going on....i talked to her about a helmet for of his thearpist also told me about a headband that grady hospital does here in i asked about that to...the doc wanted me to got to get Hamza evaluated for the helmet and see what they think would be good for him...the headband or the helmet......
Hamza still hasnt had his hearing test im trying to scheduled that and get it over with....but i think hamza doesnt having hearing problems...actually lately he has been very jumpy to every sound....the thearpist told me that, that could be a good sign meaning he is getting more alert!
ohh and we went last week to see Hamza's new cousin! she is sooo cute.....was born 8 pounds and 9 ounces....twice the size of Huda!....will put up pics as soon as i can!....
thats it...i'll update as soon as there is anything to update
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 8:49 PM 2 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Georgia pines......
yea so hamza had georgia pines come today!....he was very alert. the thearpist said that she definetly thought Hamza could see alot more then the doctors were saying! yaah!.....
umm he doesnt have that many appointments this month...he has 2 at home....and 4 out.....pulmonolgy, neuro surgen, Begin program........will update as soon as there is something new to tell.....
i had a question actually about Hamza's movement......ummm every other baby i see who has hydrocaphlyis can move a whole lot more then hamza does at the moment....that kinda worries me...its probably nothing but still...he is like 8 months now and no actual kicking or moving his arms alot.....
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 4:18 PM 3 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
Hamza was in the hospital......
sorry for the late post but yea Hamza went to the hospital wednesday night!.... i called his doc cuz he was having trouble breathing and his oxygen level was dipping even with the oxygen on.... the doc wanted him to go to the yea we went and they said he had a virus going on......he was there for 4 nights...we came back yesterday! he is doing good now....
he has georgia pines comming tommorow....i'll update later......
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 9:29 PM 2 comments
Saturday, April 18, 2009
First thearpy secission at home......
Babies can't wait came on friday for the first time!......i have to say his thearipst is awesome! so nice and caring....he said that the first step for Hamza right now is to learn how to roll! the first time the thearpist tried he didnt get much out of Hamza but by the end of the secission Hazma was everywere!.....he told us to excerise with him maybe 4 times a day and we would see results very soooo glad Hamza finally has his thearpy going!
Hamza also had his stapels removed on friday! the nurse said that the stapels sight looked great! his nero surgen wants to see him like a month later to do a CT scan and see how everything is going......his surgen is the BEST! thats it for now.........oh and Huda is vomiting all over me.....i think he teeth will be coming soon! and she can Sit now! will post pics as soon as i can!
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 7:37 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
so Hamza went to the begin place work to discribe it...AWESOME! i loved it!....the people were sooooo nice! today it was only paper wednesday he will have a vision assesment and after that his classes will start!
after that i went to Hamza & Huda's doctor....they got 4 ingestions each! and one med to eat by mouth.....And Hamza took it all by mouth! soo proud of him today! hope he gets to do the swallow study soon! and he was screaming when they were injecting him! another plus sign......(before he didnt really used to cry....) thats it for now.....will update later!
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 7:57 PM 1 comments
Georgia pines......
Yea so Hamza had georgia pines come yesterday....that went goood....he was more alert then ever! even the thearpist noticed the differences in him!....she also said that she thought he was soooo ready for oral feeds now!.....i cant wait tel his first home physical, occoptional and speech thearpy at home! its gonna be this friday!......he is also going to have his stichest removed this friday from the shunt revision!
today Hamza will be going for an assisment at the Begin program....after that both Hamza and Huda having their 6 month appointment with their pedriatrion.....
i'll update later!
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 4:20 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
sorry havent been able to update on here lately.....lets seee.....ummmm Hamza is doing sooooooooooo good.....he is more awake and alert plus he loves his pasifier more then ever now! i tried giving him strile water and he did sooo well with it....i think maybe in a while he will be ready for another swallow study and hopefully this time he will do much better!
i havent been getting that much sleep lately......first off Huda cries when ever she can! i think her teeth are comming soon.....second, for the past 2 nights Hamza has mixed up his times....he sleeps the entire day and is awake the entire night.....and the thing is he wants his pacifier in his mouth at night so he will cry every 10 mins cuz his pacifier falls off! make s me sooooooooooo happy! lol....i know you guys are probably wondering im crazy but Hamza is doing all this for the first time!
Hamza's seizures are in control now!....well i dont think he is having any lately.....
Hamza's got lots of appointments cuming up....first off his home thearpy will start next friday with babies cant wait......
he is also going to get evaluated for the Begin program (for kids with limited vision or no vision).... he also has a georgia pines visit next week and basically what they do is teach me excrises i can do with him and they also bring bright toys to help stimulate his vision....
thats it! i'll update when something unusal happens (good or bad) lol!
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 10:15 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Hamza is finally home......
yea so Hamza came home today! after spending 12 nights in the hospital....he is doing well.....his neurosurgen willl remove his stiches later on this month....and yea im going to enroll him in this other program for kids with vision problems. its called Begin....thats it....i'll update if something else happens...thanks everyone for the prayers!
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 10:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Hamza is doing sooo much better!....just went to the hospital and saw him.....before the surgery they put him on the ventilator and he was on it for to days but now he is off the ventilator....yeah! before the surgery he was on 10 liters per min of oxygen now he is on 6 per min!.....if he does well tel tommorow they are gonna try to weene him down the oxgygen and if he does well then maybe after 2 days he wil go to a normal hospital room and i can stay with him! im hoping that happens very soon!.....i wanna thank all of you for the good wishes! and keep praying for him!
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 12:27 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
Shunt malfunction......
Hamza is still in intensive home its soooo empty without him....and i cant stay with him in the hospital cuz of RSV season and they wont let huda go in with me....i thought he would move to a hospital room and then i can go and stay with him but i dont think thats gonna happen any time soon.....they were giving him the abdural treatment in a nuberloiser continous in the begning and then they started every 2 hourse...not he is on continous again cuz he is still very wezzy......curently he is on oxygen...10 liters per minute which is like 10 times more then he was on.....
i went earlier on today to see hamza and his head looked bulgy to me...i told the nurse before i left....i got a call like an hour ago and they told me that they did a CT scan and it shows that hamza has a shunt malfunction. they called the doctor....he is most probably gonna have a surgery tonight....i'm still waiting for them to call me back when the doctor gets there...this is the second time hamza is having a shunt malfunction...hopefully the last!.....please keep him in your prayers! i just got a call and they said that he was gonna have the surgery tommorw morning....the doctor tapped his shunt and drew out enought fluid to help him for the night....
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 11:03 PM 3 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
Hamza is in the Hospital again......
i havent had time to get on and update about hamza....let me start from the begning......first of all Hamza was meant to have an eye surgery on monday (to reattach the nerve in his right eye...he needed it on the right as well but the doctor said they wanted to do it on the left first cuz it looked promising!)....they took him in and got him under anisticia....the doctor came about 30 mins after they took him in and told me that they wornt gonna do the surgery cuz the nerve was really messed there was no way they could reattach it...i asked him about the right eye and he said same for that eye.......he said that hamza might have really poor vision.....and told me about a couple of programs that could help him (georgia pines, babies can't wait etc.)
after the surgery they kept him for a day cuz his oxygen level went down......
last night i had to rush him to the hospital cuz he was having real difficulty breathing and coughing as well as a high fever of 103.9....when i got there and they checked his oxygen level they rushed him to trauma....there everyone was trying to poke him everywere for blood....(he is extremly hard to stick! im thinking of port surgery now for him!)...they even tried to get to him bone to pass fluid and that failed as well...poor kid had it even in his neck.......anyhow at the moment he is in intensive care...i wanna be there with him but they wont let huda go in cuz its RSV season....when they shift him to a normal room then she can go.........the doctor told me he has asthma as well as some sort of infection........his breathing is better then yesterday!.....he had his shunt tapped this morning as well........
ummm i'll update as soon as i can...please keep him in your prayers!
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 9:40 PM 3 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Finally Home......
Hamza is finally home!....he is doing sooo well since yesterday! (hopes he keeps it up!)......he is more awake...(before he used to sleep for like 2 to 3 days and wake up only for like 5 mins or just a bit more) he was more awake, he was moving alot more, and his arms didnt feel as wobbly as before!....they cut down on his seizure medicine when i told the neurologist that he was sleeping soooo much.....
i took pics of Hamza when he was in the hospital...i espically thought this pic looked so cute when they did his EEG! and the other pic im gonna upload is Huda in a scarf! mom made it for her!....when she grows up she'll be wearing it anyway....its for religious purposes...hope you guys like it!
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 8:11 PM 2 comments
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Thank God......
Hamza is still in the hospital....he might be relised tommrow......they did an ultrasound yesterday to see if the fluid was around there and if thats y his head was bulgy but that came back negative as well as his CT yea his head is back to normal....its nice and down!........
Hamza was alot more awake today there he has ever been for us......he seemed more alert...and he was moving alot more then before...i hope he keeps it up and gets better and better by the day.........
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 10:47 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 6, 2009
yea so we are still in the extremly confuzed...........................he had his CT scan and it came back good....he had blood work to see if he had an infection and that came back good.....but his soft spot is hard and bulgy?.......what is going on here... the doctors are saying the shunt is working good and everything then y?.......well the doctor did say that it could be because he is congested sooo much.....but that confuzes me even more cuz he has been having the congestion for 2 weeks now.....y is his soft spot going hard now? i mean the congestion is soooooooooo much more better then it was when it started?....ohhk im not gonna confuze all you
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 12:50 PM 2 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Thanks everyone......
thanks sooo much everyone.......and yea hippo the do the suction and nebulizer every 4 hours! the doc says he's sleeping sooo much beacuse of the seizure medicine......hes decressed the dosage......they tapped his shunt today....since last night his head seems bulgy. the doctor said it could be beacuse of the virus.....but whats sooo confuzing about that is that he's been having the virus for more then a week now y the bulging now?.....very confuzing..........i was sapposed to go home today but they want us to stay and do a CT scan tommorow again just tooo see that everything is going well.....oh and the result for the CT scan yestarday came out good.....his neurosurgen said that since birth and now he has got more brain tissue...and now there is only 30 to 40% water in his brain........and he said his brain could be doing the abnormal activites beacuse his brain was compressed so much cuz of the fluid....Hamza has got an appointment tommorw with another eye doctor cuz after the glacome surgery his eye has been bleeding in the back and he might need another possible i hoope im discraged by then.....
thanks again every body.......
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 4:12 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
im soo sorry i havent been updateing for a while now....actually sooo much has been going on!.....anyhow let me start from the very begning......last saturday Hamza went completly blue (face, hands and legs) he stoped breathing....i had to call 911 and they rushed him to the hospital...thank god he started breathing after a bit.......they said he has soo much mucus in there and thats y.....i brought him back home on saturday cuz i could give him all his meds my self and he has oxygen at home.....well on monday he had another episode....his oxygen level went down to the 30z....i rused him to the emergency and he's been in the hospital ever since.......they did an EEG today and the doctor said he's having lots of abnormal activity in his brain.....Hamza sleeps 24 hours...which worries me alot so they did a CT scan and the doc will tell me about the results tommorow......soo yeah thats whats been going on!......i just came home to eat and i'll be on my way to the hospital in an hour or 2......Please pray for him!......i just hope he gets better soon...and stops sleeping so much......
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 5:47 PM 3 comments
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thearpy evalution......
unfortunatly i could take pics of the evalution because first of all i forgot my camera second i wouldnt have gotten anything cuz he was sleeping....the seizure med makes him sleep all day long.....
as of nw he's only gonna get octiopational and speech thearpy. they wana wait tell his eye issues gets better then he will also get physical thearpy....
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 5:48 PM 2 comments
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Eye doctor appointment......
last night hamza was really this morning i took him to his pediration and they suctioned him out...they will also provide me with a suction machine cuz its much eaiser
i went to his eye doctor today...the doctor looked at his eye and ordered an ultrasound after the ultrasound the doctor told me that the eye that they did a surgery on (left eye) was bledding in the back...which happens rarely because the pressure goes down so he said another doctor was going to schedule a surgery for next yea hamza might have a surgery next week....last time i went to his eye doctor 2 weeks ago and the pressure was 5 and today it was the same...the doc said its not good that the pressure is not going up to normal.....
anyhow Hamza has an evaluation for thearpy tommorow...i'll try to take pics.......i will try to update tommorow hopefully...
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 8:13 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Huda's potty training......
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 7:11 PM 2 comments
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Cute Huda......
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 2:03 PM 1 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
GI Doctor......
Hamza had an appointment with his GI doctor!....he said everything looks great....they did an upper gi to see how he was doing and it looked good!.....we have to go see him in a month.......
he increaced his feeding....before he used to get 100 cc every 3 hours and from 10pm to 6am he gets continous feed 32cc an he will get 110 cc every 3 hours! not that big of a change but the doctor wants him to gain good weight....currently he weights a little over 15 pounds while Huda weights a little over 13 pounds!......
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 3:23 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
sleep study......
sooo Hamza had a sleep study last night....the results are gonna come in a sorry i didnt get a pic of it cuz my husand stayed with him....but he told me it looked alot like the EEG except more wires! lol....i hope they take him off the oxygen and apnea monotar......its not like he usees it but it will give me more space in the house when all dat stuff is gone......
Hama and Huda are gonna get their synagis shots tommorow as well.....will try to get pics of that.....and later on on thursday he has an appointment with his GI doctor...will update as soon as i go there as well
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 11:44 AM 3 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
shalwar kamees......
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 8:58 AM 3 comments
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Eye check-up......
yea soo Hamza had his eye check-up today...the doctor said it looked good....the other eye has lots of pressure so he wanted me to still use the medicine...he wants to see hamza after 2 weeks.......thats it!.......ohhh and hamza has a sleep study on saturday....hopefully after the sleep study they will take him off of the apnea monitor and oxygen......(he doesnt use either one of those but its there just in case).......
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 3:52 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Pediatrician appointment......
yea so Hamza had his four month shots today!......he's been having fevers the last couple of days...but its only at night around 102 f.......the doctor looked him over and said that its good he isnt having the fevers more often cuz then that would mean he might have a shunt infection....she looked over his shunt to see if it was red or tender cuz that could also mean the shunt is not working and he would go to sooo glad it looks gud.....he weights 15.2 pounds.....(abt 3 pounds more then Huda!).....i talked to her about a Helmet for Hamza as that it would help his head shape......she didnt think it was a good idea for now.....maybe in a couple of months....she said he has sooo much else going on and dat that could wait....
i also told her how he sleeps alot and she said to let her know if he continues that in the next few days....she said that if he is constintly having seizures then that could tire him out and thats y he probably sleeps alot.......
im sooo glad hamza hasnt had any seizure episodes after he started the med....which was last night!...i know its tooo early for me to know if the med is actually working or not....but im still happy!...
and i found out yesterday Hamza also has dandy walker syndrome (Dandy-Walker syndrome is a congenital brain malformation involving the cerebellum and the fluid filled spaces around it. The cerebellum is an area at the back of the brain that controls movement).....
Hamza has to go to his eye doctor tommorow.....the doc wants to see how he is doing after the surgery!......i'll update on that tommorow hopefully......
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 4:39 PM 3 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Bed Time......
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 9:28 PM 1 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009
After surgery & Ear pearcing......
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 9:34 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 29, 2009
First Post!
Posted by Hamza Zakir at 8:17 PM 1 comments