Friday, February 27, 2009

Thearpy evalution......

unfortunatly i could take pics of the evalution because first of all i forgot my camera second i wouldnt have gotten anything cuz he was sleeping....the seizure med makes him sleep all day long.....
as of nw he's only gonna get octiopational and speech thearpy. they wana wait tell his eye issues gets better then he will also get physical thearpy....

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Eye doctor appointment......

last night hamza was really this morning i took him to his pediration and they suctioned him out...they will also provide me with a suction machine cuz its much eaiser
i went to his eye doctor today...the doctor looked at his eye and ordered an ultrasound after the ultrasound the doctor told me that the eye that they did a surgery on (left eye) was bledding in the back...which happens rarely because the pressure goes down so he said another doctor was going to schedule a surgery for next yea hamza might have a surgery next week....last time i went to his eye doctor 2 weeks ago and the pressure was 5 and today it was the same...the doc said its not good that the pressure is not going up to normal.....
anyhow Hamza has an evaluation for thearpy tommorow...i'll try to take pics.......i will try to update tommorow hopefully...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Huda's potty training......

so I put huda on a toilet for the first time and she did great!....shez almost 6 months and she is almost ready to sit! i wish i had gotten a pic of her when she was constapating!

I took hamza to his nuralogist today.....he increased the dosage on hi medicine and even pricribed him a new pill were i have to crush it and give it to him through his g-tube...i dont mind all the medicines but i hope it works for him and controls his seizures.....the doctor told me that he was having Epilepsy....

oh and yesterday georgia pines (they help with vision) came and taught me some excerises to do wid hamza.....and it looks like he likes them! Hamza has an appointment with his eye doctor on thursday....will update on that after the appointment....

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Cute Huda......

yea so i took a pic of husband just put her in the sofa and she fell asleep.....she does that sometimes....i love her to bits.....she is the best baby!....she'll go to sleep sometimes 10 hours straight!........

Hamza is doing good......i went out of town this weekend and his feeding pump stoped working!...i didnt take cyrange or anything so it was realy hard...if i had to bring him home imediately it would take 2 and a half hours to come back....but its working now so its all good...but it did give me a fright!.....some one from georgia pines is gonna come tommorow to help with vision at my home. he has he two appointments this with nuralogist the second with his eye doctor.....oh and i have to go for an evaluation on friday.....wil update soon......

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Before & After......

i just felt like putting a pic of how hamza eye used to look before the surgery and how it looks after the surgery! would love feedback!

GI Doctor......

Hamza had an appointment with his GI doctor!....he said everything looks great....they did an upper gi to see how he was doing and it looked good!.....we have to go see him in a month.......
he increaced his feeding....before he used to get 100 cc every 3 hours and from 10pm to 6am he gets continous feed 32cc an he will get 110 cc every 3 hours! not that big of a change but the doctor wants him to gain good weight....currently he weights a little over 15 pounds while Huda weights a little over 13 pounds!......

Sunday, February 15, 2009

sleep study......

sooo Hamza had a sleep study last night....the results are gonna come in a sorry i didnt get a pic of it cuz my husand stayed with him....but he told me it looked alot like the EEG except more wires! lol....i hope they take him off the oxygen and apnea monotar......its not like he usees it but it will give me more space in the house when all dat stuff is gone......
Hama and Huda are gonna get their synagis shots tommorow as well.....will try to get pics of that.....and later on on thursday he has an appointment with his GI doctor...will update as soon as i go there as well

Friday, February 13, 2009

shalwar kamees......

hamza has been having lots of seizures since yesterday...i called the doctor and he said to give the medication some time to work as he only started taking them last tuesday....the seizures arent as forcefull as before.....but he screams out much sapposed to increace the dosage every week...i hope he stops having these episodes.......

yea sooo i took these really nice pics of Hamza today....he is wearing our traditional clothes back from pakistan (its called shalwar kamees)......he loooks soooooooooooo cute...i just wanna eat him up! lol.....let me know wht you guys think......

HAMZA JUST SMILED FOR THE FIRST TIME! uhhhh im so mad i didnt get to take a pic of just happened sooo quicky....but im glad it happened! its about

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Eye check-up......

yea soo Hamza had his eye check-up today...the doctor said it looked good....the other eye has lots of pressure so he wanted me to still use the medicine...he wants to see hamza after 2 weeks.......thats it!.......ohhh and hamza has a sleep study on saturday....hopefully after the sleep study they will take him off of the apnea monitor and oxygen......(he doesnt use either one of those but its there just in case).......

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


i just felt like putting up this picture of when huda was born...she is 3 days old here!..hasn't she grown alot?

Pediatrician appointment......

yea so Hamza had his four month shots today!......he's been having fevers the last couple of days...but its only at night around 102 f.......the doctor looked him over and said that its good he isnt having the fevers more often cuz then that would mean he might have a shunt infection....she looked over his shunt to see if it was red or tender cuz that could also mean the shunt is not working and he would go to sooo glad it looks gud.....he weights 15.2 pounds.....(abt 3 pounds more then Huda!).....i talked to her about a Helmet for Hamza as that it would help his head shape......she didnt think it was a good idea for now.....maybe in a couple of months....she said he has sooo much else going on and dat that could wait....

i also told her how he sleeps alot and she said to let her know if he continues that in the next few days....she said that if he is constintly having seizures then that could tire him out and thats y he probably sleeps alot.......

im sooo glad hamza hasnt had any seizure episodes after he started the med....which was last night!...i know its tooo early for me to know if the med is actually working or not....but im still happy!...
and i found out yesterday Hamza also has dandy walker syndrome (Dandy-Walker syndrome is a congenital brain malformation involving the cerebellum and the fluid filled spaces around it. The cerebellum is an area at the back of the brain that controls movement).....

Hamza has to go to his eye doctor tommorow.....the doc wants to see how he is doing after the surgery!......i'll update on that tommorow hopefully......

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Hamza had his EEG this morning around 10am.....the nurse called the doctor and he wanted to try to see him today.....he called us in at home around 3pm......he said Hamza is having seisures....when he cries out and jerks they are strong...but even if he isnt jerking or crying he still has them.....but not as strong...he gave me medicine to try to control the seizures......i just hope the medicine helps...i asked the doctor if they were gonna stop once i start using the medicine, he said that with normal kids it does but since hamza has sooo many other issues going might not totally stop it but i'll help attaching a picture of the procedure.....(u can see he didnt like it a whole lot!.....that was the begning....when he was having a seizure....he got calm after about 5 mins)....

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Bed Time......

i just wanted to put up this cute pic of my babies.......this was right before they went to bed......they are looking at each other with sooooooooooooooooo much love...i dont know if its gonna be like dat when they grow up! has 3 appointments comming up this week......starting with EEG on tuesday (thats to know if he is having seizures or not) ....He is getting his forth month shots on wednesday!(i know its kinda late...he's already 5 is his check up with the eye see how his eye is doing after the surgery....thats it for this week!........ i'll update as soon as i can....please pray the EEG comes back normal!......

Thursday, February 5, 2009

After surgery & Ear pearcing......

Yesterday Hamza had his surgery...(glacoma).....thank god it went good.....he is doing really good...his eye appears much smaller then before...(a picture of how he looks now will be attached to this post).......the procedure was 2 hours long.......i had to go to the hospital at 6...the surgery started at like back home around 12pm.....i took him to the doctors today......he said it looked gud........on the 2nd of Feburary i got Huda's ear pearced....(she's Hamza's twin)......i'll put pics of that as well......