Saturday, May 30, 2009


Hamza went to the emergency monday night....he had diffuculty breathing and fever...he was diagonosed with phenomia this time....
he was realised yesterday. he has had a lil fever today and yesterday. he's taking medicine so hopefully everything will be back to normal soon with prayers as well!
he didnt go to begin thearpy last week cuz he was in the hospital and he also didnt have babies cant wait. hopefully i can schedule that monday.
thats it for now......

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


i know its been long since i last updated about hamza.....but i have been just extemly lazy! lol...anywho....Hamza had his first thearpy at the Begin place last week and it was really good.....his thearpist started with singing his a song for him to recongnise her in the future...after that she massaged him.....(i gotta massage him 4 times a helps him be more alert).....then she started giving him different textures to feel and he loved it! soon as we got to the lights....he was out of it!....but over all it was good......

i found out something really intersting today from his georgia pines thearpist.....i dont know if i mentioned it before but the doc's said that hamza's right eye was a non seeing eye while the left one would have limited vision....well guess what.....he can see with his right eye too!......his thearpist was using the light with him while covering the left eye and he would look at it after a few secs......

hamza also went to his pedriatrion today cuz he has a lil bit of yeast infection going on....i talked to her about a helmet for of his thearpist also told me about a headband that grady hospital does here in i asked about that to...the doc wanted me to got to get Hamza evaluated for the helmet and see what they think would be good for him...the headband or the helmet......

Hamza still hasnt had his hearing test im trying to scheduled that and get it over with....but i think hamza doesnt having hearing problems...actually lately he has been very jumpy to every sound....the thearpist told me that, that could be a good sign meaning he is getting more alert!

ohh and we went last week to see Hamza's new cousin! she is sooo cute.....was born 8 pounds and 9 ounces....twice the size of Huda!....will put up pics as soon as i can!....

thats it...i'll update as soon as there is anything to update

Thursday, May 7, 2009


here are some pics of Huda and my neice Azka....

Monday, May 4, 2009

Georgia pines......

yea so hamza had georgia pines come today!....he was very alert. the thearpist said that she definetly thought Hamza could see alot more then the doctors were saying! yaah!.....
umm he doesnt have that many appointments this month...he has 2 at home....and 4 out.....pulmonolgy, neuro surgen, Begin program........will update as soon as there is something new to tell.....
i had a question actually about Hamza's movement......ummm every other baby i see who has hydrocaphlyis can move a whole lot more then hamza does at the moment....that kinda worries me...its probably nothing but still...he is like 8 months now and no actual kicking or moving his arms alot.....