Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hamza is in the hospital again......

so hamza has been in the hospital for more then a week now.....this Saturday it will be 2 weeks.....
he was doing so good one day and then next all of a sudden he needed so much oxygen and he was having 104.8 fever, the doc told me to give him Tylenol and Motrin but that didn't help out much.....i took him to the hospital the next morning.....

the minute he went in they took him to trauma.....there they put him on normal oxygen...but even with the highest amount he still looked like he was having such a hard time to breath so then they decided to put him on a ventilator. shortly after that he had ventricular tachycardia which is a rapid heartbeat that starts in the ventricles. they decided to give him a Electrical defibrillation or cardioversion (electric shock). everything was happening so quickly......for a sec i almost had a heart thank god everything got better after the first shock they gave him....
so they took him off the ventilator after 2 days....he was on high flow oxygen for a couple he is on very little oxygen.....the doc wants him to be on room air before he comes home....cuz last time he went in for phenomena they let him go home with little oxygen and he came back to the hospital a couple days this time they want him as healthy as possible before they release him so he wouldn't have to come back so quickly...the doc also said that if he was still requiring some what oxygen after a week then she would let him go home anyways......
thats it for now.....oh and huda is doing really well...she has been caughing for awhile now...but nothing to worry about to much...shez keeping me very buzzy!
thats it for now......


Anonymous said...

Thinking of you xx

Hamza Zakir said...

thanks sarah