Thursday, July 9, 2009

Swallow study......

HAMZA PASSED THE SWALLOW STUDY! im soooooooooooooooo excited......the swallow study was on monday. the max amount he can get now is only 1 ounce....but i belive it will be increasing in no time....
he also had begin this week! he did awesome there too! first step was that he looks at lights or objects, second was focusing on the object for at least 5 secs, and the third was to trace the object by following were it goes....
so far he got the first 2 steps....(THanks god) last time he went he did the first steo and this week he did the second.....the thearpist was amazed with his progress! he was also blabbing too, which he never everything is going good so far....hoping it continues that way.......
thats it......oh we are going on a family trip to florida...will be posting pics as soon as i can.....


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the test went well. I hope he continues to progress from here...

Enjoy your family trip to Florida!