Thursday, March 26, 2009


Hamza is doing sooo much better!....just went to the hospital and saw him.....before the surgery they put him on the ventilator and he was on it for to days but now he is off the ventilator....yeah! before the surgery he was on 10 liters per min of oxygen now he is on 6 per min!.....if he does well tel tommorow they are gonna try to weene him down the oxgygen and if he does well then maybe after 2 days he wil go to a normal hospital room and i can stay with him! im hoping that happens very soon!.....i wanna thank all of you for the good wishes! and keep praying for him!


Anonymous said...

We sure will keep praying for you all. I hope he get out of Intensive Care soon too. xx

hippo said...

Hamza get better! Hamza Gets Better! Go Hamza!