Friday, March 20, 2009

Hamza is in the Hospital again......

i havent had time to get on and update about hamza....let me start from the begning......first of all Hamza was meant to have an eye surgery on monday (to reattach the nerve in his right eye...he needed it on the right as well but the doctor said they wanted to do it on the left first cuz it looked promising!)....they took him in and got him under anisticia....the doctor came about 30 mins after they took him in and told me that they wornt gonna do the surgery cuz the nerve was really messed there was no way they could reattach it...i asked him about the right eye and he said same for that eye.......he said that hamza might have really poor vision.....and told me about a couple of programs that could help him (georgia pines, babies can't wait etc.)
after the surgery they kept him for a day cuz his oxygen level went down......

last night i had to rush him to the hospital cuz he was having real difficulty breathing and coughing as well as a high fever of 103.9....when i got there and they checked his oxygen level they rushed him to trauma....there everyone was trying to poke him everywere for blood....(he is extremly hard to stick! im thinking of port surgery now for him!)...they even tried to get to him bone to pass fluid and that failed as well...poor kid had it even in his neck.......anyhow at the moment he is in intensive care...i wanna be there with him but they wont let huda go in cuz its RSV season....when they shift him to a normal room then she can go.........the doctor told me he has asthma as well as some sort of infection........his breathing is better then yesterday!.....he had his shunt tapped this morning as well........
ummm i'll update as soon as i can...please keep him in your prayers!


Anonymous said...

Oh I am really sorry to hear about Hamza's visions problems and that he is so ill. I will be praying he recovers quickly and gets out of intensive care :-( Thinking of you and sending you big hugs from us, love Sarah & Violet xx

hippo said...

Poor Hamza! I will keep him in my prayers! And you stay strng too!

Hamza Zakir said...

thanks alot Sarah and Hippo......